
If you become aware of any occurrence, which might give rise to a claim under any liability policy, or on the receipt of any writ, letter or notification of claim, immediately notify Sepio Insurance Management Limited of the following in writing:

  • Location
  • Date
  • Time
  • Nature of incident
  • Estimate of Liability (alleged or otherwise)
  • Original copies of any communications received

Sepio Insurance Management Limited will notify the Insurers so that if necessary an assessor or legal advisor may be appointed.


  • Retain any evidence, whether by way of damaged property, contract conditions, correspondence, witness statements or similar that will help insurers establish where responsibility should rest.
  • Send all correspondence regarding the potential claim to Sepio Insurance Management Limited.
  • Contact your broker if you are unsure whether a particular circumstance or event requires notifying to insurers.


DO NOT do anything that may prejudice your position or the insurers.

DO NOT comment on the incident that could in anyway frustrate the claimant.

DO NOT offer any compensation or explanation for the incident. If pressured, you should say that the matter has been referred for advice and you will be in touch. 

DO NOT mention that the situation may be insured – such comments may serve to increase the quantum of a potential claim.